1979-1980 | BMDCC President – Marilyn Lister |
November 24, 1979 | Meeting of BMDCC Board of Directors, Ottawa, ON |
January 1980 | BMDCC Newsletter with Editor, Janet Linden |
May 3, 1980 | BMDCC Annual General Meeting, Ottawa, ON |
1981 | BMDCC Fun Day, Smith Falls, ON; organized by Larry Rutter |
June 21, 1986 | BMDCC National Specialty, Vancouver, BC |
February 19, 1998 | Bernese litter makes the Guinness Book of Records with 14 all male pups Dam: Alpenblick’s Great Lady; Sire: Ursa Major’s Stellar Bandit |
October 10, 2003 | Bernese stars in a feature length movie, entitled “Good Boy!” Filmed in Vancouver, BC Starring: Ch Allsgold’s Studebaker CD DD; Body Double: Ch Allsgold’s Work for the Weekend CD DD Owner: Melodie & Wolf Grabner; Breeder: Brenda Comazzetto |
2006 | BMDCC Outstanding Service Award Recipients:
March 24, 2007 | All 4 Swiss “Sennen” breeds present at a BMDCC Carting Clinic, Cobble Hill, BC:
June 29, 2024 | Bernese earns a Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) Master Obedience Trial Champion (MOTCH) title at Association Canine de la Mauricie, QC:
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April 27, 2024 | Bernese earns a CKC Scent Detection Grand Master (SDGM) at a Scent Trial held by the Rocky Mountain Whippet Association, Red Deer, AB:
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October 14, 2023 | Bernese (and first DOG in Canada) earns a CKC Master Draft Dog Excellent (MDDX) title at an event held by the Newfoundland Dog Club of Canada, Tappen, BC:
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Sept 10, 2023 | Bernese earns a CKC Herding Intermediate title on sheep:
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April 25, 2023 | Bernese earns a CKC Versatility Gold (VG):
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March 11, 2023 | Bernese earns a CKC Scent Detection Master (SDM) title at an event held by the German Shorthaired Pointer Club of Canada (Calgary):
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June 2022 | Bernese earns a CKC Herding Started title on sheep:
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2022 | Canadian Bernese to earn both a Grand Championship and Obedience Trial Champion:
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March 9, 2021 | Bernese earns a CKC Trick Dog Grand Champion (TDGCH) through Do More With Your Dog®:
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November 4, 2018 | Bernese earns the CKC Draft Dog Advanced (DDA) Title:
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August 6, 2018 | Bernese earns Rally Masters (RM) Title:
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June 2018 | Bernese earns CKC Herding Started title on ducks:
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2017 | Bernese earns BMDCC Versatility Excellent Award:
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September – October 2016 | Bernese registered kennel with 5 female Bernese becomes Certified Search and Rescue Dogs (CS&RD) in Wilderness and Urban Air Scenting:
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2016 | Bernese earns a BMDCC Elite Versatile Performance Dog Award:
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August 22, 2014 | Bernese earns a Novice Points and Distance SelectTitle (NPS):
NPS is an agility event that involves sending your dog from a distance and planning your own course | |
April 26, 2014 | Bernese earns a Sporting Detecting Started Title (SD-S) from Sporting Dog Detection Association (SDDA):
The 3 components of which are interior, exterior, and container and the odour used is wintergreen | |
September 28, 2013 | Bernese becomes a Certified Search Dog (CSD) in Wilderness and Urban:
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August 2013 | Bernese earns BMDCC Working Dog Excellent Award:
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April 7, 2013 | Bernese earns a CARO Rally Advanced Team (AT) Title, CARO Versatility Excellent (VE) Title, and CARO Working Class Rookie Level 1 (WCR1) Title, Vanessa, ON:
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February – March 2013 | Bernese earns an Expert Trick Dog Title and becomes a Trick Dog Champion:
All the tricks are trained by Lisa Petterson (daughter of owners, age 16); Nellie’s Youtube video | |
September 9, 2012 | Bernese earns an Urban Tracking Dog Excellence (UTDX) Title and awarded the CKC Tracking Champion Title (TCh), Powassan, ON:
Note: Janyse is the first dog from the Working Class to earn a TCh | |
July 16 & 30, 2011 | Bernese earns a CKC Scent Hurdle Dog Title and Scent Hurdle Dog Excellent Title at the Alberta Kennel Club Trials, Calgary, AB:
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June 12, 2011 | Bernese in Canada earns Urban Tracking Dog (UTD) Title at the German Shepherd Dog Club Test, London, ON:
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October 23, 2010 | Male Bernese in Canada earns a Rally Advanced Excellent Title at the Battle River Canine Association Trial, Camrose AB:
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October 9, 2010 | Bernese in Canada earns a Rally Advanced Excellent Title (RAE) at the Cobequid Dog Club Trials, Truro, Nova Scotia:
RAE Title: Dog must qualify 10 times in both the Rally Advanced B Class and the Rally Excellent B Class at the same trial. For record of scores see Canuck Dogs website | |
August – October 2008 | Canadian Bernese earns a CKC CD Title with 3 All Breed High in Trial Scores:
BISS Ch Backcountry Ivana DD, CD, CGN; Owner/Breeder: Wendy Bennett | |
March 9, 2008 | Bernese awarded the CKC Rally Advanced (RA) Title at the K-W Kennel Club Trials, Kitchener-Waterloo, ON:
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October 14, 2007 – May 25, 2008 | Bernese awarded the CKC Rally Novice (RN) Title at Canadian Collie & Shetland Sheepdog Association Inc. trials, Dorval, Quebec:
And awarded the CKC Rally Excellent (RE) Title, May 25 2008:
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May 15, 2005 – September 30, 2006 | Bernese earns Obedience Trial Championship & Agility Trial Championship of Canada (ATChC):
OTCh VATChC Rumcay’s CrackerJack CGN, St. John Therapy Dog; Owner: Lois & George Irvine (handler Lois); Breeder: Judy Kelly | |
June 4, 2006 | Bernese earn a CKC Agility Novice Selected (AGNS):
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April 2006 – June 2009 | Bernese earns CKC:
Ch Bernecho’s Buntzen Berner CD DD RE AGN AGXS AGXJS CGN TT HCT; Owner: Jane Sherris; Breeder: Melodie Grabner | |
April 2006 – October 2008 | Bernese earns a CKC:
AGMCH Highrun’s Steel Magnolia CD DDX BDDX AGMX AGMXJ; Owner/Breeder Bev Mattson | |
October 1, 2005 | Bernese earn Brace Draft Dog Excellent at the BMDCC Draft Test, Surrey, BC:
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June 5, 2005 | Bernese earn Brace Draft Dog Titles at the BMDCC Draft Test, Surrey BC:
Highrun’s Steel Magnolia & BC’s Belle at Doubledutch; Owner: Bev Mattson | |
2004-2006 | Bernese earns CARO Rally Excellent & CARO Versatility:
OTCh Sascha’s Salaine CGN SADC; Owner: Darlene McCuaig-Balkwill; Breeder: Rose Tierney | |
October 2002 | Bernerse earns BMDCC Working Dog Award:
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July 27, 2002 | Bernese earns Veteran’s Agility Trial Champion of Canada (VATChC) and Bronze Award of Merit:
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2001-2008 | Bernese earns:
Ch BC’S Florencia At Doubledutch DDX BDDX AGMX; Owner: Bev Mattson; Breeder: Dave & Bernadette Van Klaveren | |
2001 | Bernese earn CKC Agility Novice (AGN):
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September – November, 2000 | Female Bernese earns Dual Versatility Awards:
Ch Ebnet’s Halogen CD DD; Owned by: Phil Chagnon & Lea Doane; Breeders: Sean & Lisa Ebnet, Phil Chagnon & Lea Doane | |
September 1999 | Bernese has CKC HIT’s at an All Breed Trial, a National Specialty Trial, and a Regional Specialty Trial:
Labernese Lord of Illusions CD; Owner: Margaret La Croix; Breeders: Sharon Groves & Candace Tokiwa | |
May 1999 | Bernese earns a CKC Companion Dog (CD) with 3 All Breed High in Trial (HIT) Scores and obtains 4 back-to-back CKC All Breed HITs: Obedience Class – Novice B:
Grunberg Gita Gotta Dance CD; Owner: Alison Jaskiewicz & Deborah Mulvey; Breeder: Deborah Mulvey | |
1999 | Canadian owned female Bernese earns a Draft Dog Excellent: Ch Thorgie of BC Bev’s CD DDX CGN; Owner: Dave & Bernadette Van Klaveren; Breeder: Bev Burney (USA) | |
October 21, 1998 | Bernese earns a Draft Dog Excellent at the Peace Arch Provincial Park, Surrey, BC:
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September 21, 1997 | Bernese earns CKC Herding Tested (HT) Title at the Australian Cattle Dog Club of Canada trials, Goderich, ON:
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1996-1999 | Bernese earns a Dual Versatility & Canadian Owned & Bred Bernese earns a Draft Dog Excellent (DDX):
Ch Ursa Major’s Stellar Bandit CD DDX AGN; Owner: Lea Doane abd Phil Chagnon; Breeder: Brenda Grant | |
1996 | Female Bernese earns a BMDCC Versatility Award:
Ch Alpenblick’s Tish v Autmhof CD, DD; Owner: David & Coral Denis; Breeder: Donald & Cheryle Lantz (USA) | |
1993 | Bernese earn Draft Dog Title (DD) at the Newfoundland Dog Club of Canada Test, Maple Ridge, BC:
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May 3, 1992 | Perfect 200 score in Obedience in Canada at Kennebecasis Obedience Club Trial, Rothesay, NB:
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1987-1991 | Bernese earns BMDCC Versatility Award:
Ch Bigpaws Banfield CDX TD DD; Owner: Bonnie Dick; Breeder: Susan Quinn (Forde) | |
May 21-22, 1989 | Bernese scores a CKC High In Trial (HIT) in Obedience at Sault Ste Marie Kennel Club, Sault Ste Marie, ON:
Sanduskys Brighteye Abigail; Owner: Deborah Hotze; Breeder: Sandra Ongemach | |
September 13, 1987 | BMDCC Obedience Sanction Match, Nanaimo, BC:
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September 19, 1984 | Bernese earns a Tracking Dog Excellent (TDX) title in Canada:
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1983-1984 | Bernese earns dual (Canadian/American) Champion (Ch) & dual (Canadian/American) CDX titles:
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September-October, 1983 | Bernese earns CKC Utility Dog & Obedience Trial Champion (OTCh) titles:
OTCh Tanja V Gruenenmatt; Owner: Eve Mengoz; Breeder: Ernst Schluechter (Swiss) | |
1982 | Bernese earns dual (Canadian/American) CKC & AKC Companion Dog Excellent (CDX) titles:
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September 16, 1979 | Canadian-owned Bernese passes Tracking Dog Test at 7 months old:
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May 12, 1979 | Bernese earns a CKC Companion Dog Excellent (CDX):
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July 1977 – November 1978 | Canadian-owned and bred Bernese earns a CKC CD Obedience Title and a CKC Ch and CD:
Ch Val Venosta`s Haida von Stassi CD; Owner/Breeder: Bruce & Marilyn Lister (Ottawa, ON) | ![]() |
May 29, 1977 | Bernese earns a CKC Companion Dog (CD) Obedience Title at the Mountain City Kennel Club, Lasalle, QC:
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May 28, 1977 | Bernese earns a Qualifying Score in a CKC Obedience Trial at the Mountain City Kennel Club, Lasalle, QC:
2022 | Canadian Bernese to earn both a Grand Championship and Obedience Trial Champion (OTCH):
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June 1, 2013 | Canadian Bernese to win Best Altered In Show at Northern Alberta Canine Association, AB:
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February 12, 2013 | Bernese awarded the Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) Grand Champion Excellent Title (GChEx):
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June – September, 2012 | Bernese wins 3 Best in Specialty Shows in Canada in the same year:
BISS Ch Avatars Smooth Criminal; Owners: Luiz Fernandes & Kim Groves; Breeders: Jennifer Shupert & Kim Groves; Handler: Kim Groves | |
December 2009 | Bernese finishes #1 All Breeds CKC Top Ten Show Dogs in Canada:
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June 28, 2009 | Female Bernese awarded a CKC Altered Championship:
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2008 | Bernese finishes in the CKC Top Ten Show Dogs in the Working Group (7th Overall in Group 3) in Canada:
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November 2008 | Bernese in Canada wins 3 back-to-back All-Breed Best in Shows at the Caledon Kennel Association Shows, Mississauga, Ontario:
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August 2008 | Female Bernese wins back-to-back CKC Best in Shows at the New Brunswick KC Shows, Saint John, NB:
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May 2008 | Male Bernese awarded the CKC Grand Champion Title:
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December 1, 2007 | Bernese places in Group at the Show of Shows, Ottawa Kennel Club:
Second in Working Group; Judges: Thomas Burke, Caesar Guitierrez Perez | |
September 2, 2007 | Bernese awarded the CKC Grand Champion (GCH) Title:
Requirements for CKC Grand Champion title effective January 01, 2007:
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May 2007 | Bernese wins back-to-back CKC Best in Shows at the Vancouver Island Dog Fanciers’ Association, Saanichton, BC:
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2005 – 2006 | BMDCC Versatility Award winner (2005) wins the National Specialty (June 3, 2006), Edmonton, AB:
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2002-2005 | Bernese Female wins Canadian All-Breed Best in Show and National Specialty with Breeder-Owner Handler:
BIS BISS Ch Wanderweg’s Heartful of Grace; Owner/Breeder: Fran Cozens | |
2001-2004 | Bernese wins multiple Best in Sieger Show at BMDC of Ontario sponsored Sieger Shows:
Ch Wagenblast’s Cessi; Owner: Jennifer Tulloch; Breeder: Angela Wagenblast | |
2002 | Bernese scores over 2000 CKC Breed Points based on the CKC point system; 2002 Top Show Dog Year (total points 2458):
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September 2001 | Bernese wins multiple Best Puppy in Specialty Show – all in the same month:
MBPISS Ch Bernhaven’s Sirius’ Hope; Owner: Frances Harding & Dr. Carlan Stants; Breeder: Frances Harding | |
May 25, 2001 | Female Bernese wins All-Breed Best in Show at Chaleur Canine Club, Beresford, NB:
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June 9, 2000 | Bernese awarded a CKC Altered Championship:
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September 10, 1999 | BMDCC Sieger Show at Bonte Creek Provincial Park, Oakville ON; Judge: Dr Mary Dawson: Best in Sieger & Best Male in Sieger Show:
Best Female in Sieger Show:
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1998-1999 | Bernese wins a BMDCC & BMDCA National Best Puppy in Sweepstakes:
Ch Swisskiss You Were ment For Me; Owner/Breeder: Madeline Knowles | |
1990-1993 | Bernese wins Canadian All-Breed Best in Show & BMDCC National Specialty with Breeder-Owner Handler:
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1988-1990 | Bernese wins:
All Breed Best in Show, 1990 (Maple Ridge, BC): Group 1st on April, 22 and 23 1989 (Langley, BC) – with over 80 dogs entered in the group:
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1989 | Female wins Best of Breed at BMDCC National Specialty, Toronto, ON:
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September 11, 1988 | Bernese wins a CKC Best Puppy in Show, Pictou County Kennel Club , Trenton, NS:
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June 21, 1986 | BMDCC National Specialty Best of Breed winner, Vancouver BC:
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1986 | BMDCC National Specialty, Vancouver, BC | |
1985 | BMDCC Booster in Western Canada, Chilliwack, BC; Organizers: Phillip Harness, Coral Denis, Donna Harness, David Denis | |
May 4, 1985 | Canadian-bred Bernese wins a CKC All-Breed Best in Show at Seaway Kennel Club Show, Thorold, ON with 526 dogs in competition, BMD entry was: 0-0-1-0:
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October 13, 1984 | Bernese wins a CKC All-Breed Best in Show, London, ON with 878 dogs in competition, BMD entry of 3-3-1-0:
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1983-1984 | Bernese earns a dual (Can/Am) Ch & dual (Can/Am) CDX Titles: CKC Championship 1983, CKC Companion Dog Excellent 1984, AKC Championship, AKC Companion Dog Excellent:
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May 11, 1984 | Female Bernese places in Group at a CKC All-Breed Show & Canadian bred and owned female Bernese to Place in Group, and Group 4th at the Forest City Kennel Club, Dorchester, ON:
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May 1981 | Bernese wins Best Brace in Show at United Kennel Club Show, Quebec:
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May 2, 1981 | BMDCC Booster at the Ottawa Kennel Club (24 Bernese entered):
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June 30, 1979 | Canadian-bred Bernese places in Group (Group 4th) in Canada at the Chateauguay Kennel Club Show:
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June 10, 1978 | Bernese wins CKC Best Puppy in Group at the Ontario County Kennel Club show in Ajax, ON:
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July 9, 1977 August 21, 1977 | Bernese places in group at CKC All-Breed Show at the Chateauguay Valley Kennel Club Show, and Bernese wins a Group (Group 1st) at CKC All-Breed Show at the New Brunswick Kennel Club Show:
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June 17, 1977 October, 22, 1978 | Bernese earns a CKC Championship (Ch) at the Kingston & District Kennel Club Show, and Canadian-owned Bernese places in group (Group 4th) in Canada at the Belleville & District Kennel Club Show:
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May 1, 1977 | Bernese wins Best of Breed in Canada at the Elgin Kennel Club Show, Alymer, ON: