In becoming a member of the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Canada (BMDCC), you join a network of individuals from across Canada and the United States who love this wonderful breed and are ready to share their experiences with you. Through Bernese Please, the official newsletter of the BMDCC included with your membership, you will be kept updated on various issues pertaining to Bernese, share member experiences, and pick up new tips and tricks. Details on types of membership, as well as the application and approval process can be found in the BMDCC Constitution.

If you are interested in joining the BMDCC please see the tab below.

If you have questions concerning membership please contact Membership Director: Linda Smith.

Type of MembershipNew Member
(1st year only)
Single (1 adult)$45$40
Family (2 adults in 1 family)$50$45
Non-resident: living in the United States of America (USA)$60$55
Non-resident: living outside of the USA or Canada
(with Bernese Please in electronic format)
Junior (age 10-18 years)$40$35
Welcome New Applicants!

Annual membership runs from January 1st to December 31st each year. New applications after September 15th will have their membership extended to the end of the following year. To join:

Download and complete a Membership Application Form


Use the convenient fillable Membership Application Form
Please renew your membership by January 1st each year.

Members will receive a renewal form and reminder at the appropriate time each year within the Bernese Please newsletter. A renewal form must be completed every year to make sure member information is up-to-date.

The renewal form is returned to the Membership Director, Linda Smith, by mail or email (scan or photograph the form) with your renewal payment, including when using e-transfer. To renew:

Download and complete a Membership Renewal Form


Use the new online Membership Renewal Form

Please remember to also send your payment after submitting the online form.