Who are we? Established in 1979, The Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Canada (BMDCC) is a national, non-profit organization that has been the guardian of the breed for more than 40 years. We welcome those interested in the welfare and promotion of the Bernese Mountain Dog.

Our mandate is to promote and protect the welfare of the Bernese Mountain Dog breed and of its individual representatives by:

  • Promoting Responsible Breeding Practices: endorsing the Club’s Code of Ethics while encouraging and supporting principled breeding practices among all Canadian breeders towards the finest possible expression of conformation, health and temperament for the Bernese Mountain Dog;
  • Sharing Knowledge: educating breed fanciers, the general public, and conformation and obedience judges on the Canadian breed standard, the history and character of the breed and health issues related to the breed;
  • Promoting Responsible Ownership: encouraging and promoting responsible ownership and proper care and training of Bernese Mountain Dogs;
  • Encouraging Participation: developing interest and encouraging participation among owners in various activities for the breed; including shows, trials and tests; as well as informal, social and educational events.

BMDCC promotes the well-being of the breed by requiring members and member-breeders to sign a Code of Ethics. By encouraging our breeders to openly share information on Berner-Garde, a worldwide database designed especially for the breed, we strive to improve the health and welfare of Bernese Mountain Dogs.

In addition to holding official competitive events (Conformation shows, Draft tests, Rally and Obedience trials), BMDCC sponsors local social and training activities such as winter walks, Berner Fun Days, and carting clinics, where newcomers are welcomed and encouraged to participate.



BMDCC Executive, Board Members and Committee Chairs

BMDCC Executive
PresidentKim Tollefson (AB)
Vice PresidentJennifer Julian (NB)
SecretaryHelen Rimmer (QC)
TreasurerGaylynn Janzen (ON)
Past PresidentMaureen Greaves (AB)
Membership DirectorLinda Smith (ON)
Board Members
Director, BC, NWT & YukonAnita Vaartstra (BC)
Director, PrairiesJohn Simons (MB)
Director, Ontario
Director, QuebecMarie-Josée Beauregard (QC)
Director, AtlanticSusan Penney (NL)
Committee Chairs
WebmasterLisa Neville (ON)
Records ChairJennifer Julian (NB)
Draft ChairDianne Jones (BC)
Breed InformationTBD
Rescue ChairMaureen Greaves (AB)
Bernese Please
Lisa Ibelshauser (NB)
Wendy Bennett, Assistant Editor (NB)
Helen Rimmer, Graphic Design (QC)